📸: Above image: NCDC and PNG Tourism Promotion Authority Promote 2024 Remembrance Day Kokoda Hike Special Event & Celebrations. (L-R) James Enage – director of Program Progress, NCDC Governor Hon. Powes Parkop, and Joel Keimelo – PNGTPA executive manager of marketing & promotions. 

Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority Supports Special Kokoda Remembrance Day Hike

Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) has donated merchandise to support a special Remembrance Day Trek on the Kokoda Trail during the official launching of the event on Friday 12th June, Port Moresby.   This special event, scheduled to take place from the 19th to 21st of July 2024, is a collaborative partnership with the National Capital District’s (NCDC) Governor’s Office and Program Progress, a locally owned business development company.  

Program Progress’ Director & Business Development Consultant, James Enage thanked TPA for its support emphasizing that the event will give participants a memorable experience. 

“The event aims to integrate a unique blend of history, culture, and adventure by offering participants three days of trekking along the historic Kokoda Track, concluding with mini cultural and music festivities in the morning and a Remembrance Day celebration in the afternoon,” said Enage.  He also highlighted the significance of this event and has encouraged people to participate in this year’s special hike.

“The cost for participating in this season’s trek is estimated at K1,562.00 per person, with the overall event costing around K66,400.00. The NCDC Governor’s office has committed to covering 75% of the total cost for 100 trekkers, allowing participants to pay just 25% of the cost, amounting to K390.50 per person,” said Enage. 

The National Capital District’s Governor, Hon. Powes Parkop reiterated the importance of the Kokoda hike as a crucial part to promoting tourism in Port Moresby

“This city is the gateway to Papua New Guinea, and its potential has often been overlooked. However, through our partnership with PNGTPA, formalized by our MOA last year, we are committed to showcasing the city’s unique attractions and cultural heritage.  This three-day trek serves multiple purposes: honoring those who fought in the Battle of Kokoda, promoting our city’s tourism potential, and encouraging health and wellness among our people. The Kokoda Trail is not just a historical landmark; it’s a symbol of unity and resilience. By developing it as a tourist attraction, we aim to draw visitors from around the world, contributing to our economy and cultural preservation,” said Parkop.  

TPA’s Executive Manager for Marketing & Promotions, Joel Keimelo commended the Honourable Governor and Mr Enage for creating the special hike to Kokoda and encouraged them to work with TPA to strengthen Kokoda as a premier tourist attraction.  

“Our efforts also include creating a sustainable tourist product and enhancing the experience for trekkers. This initiative will benefit the local communities along the trek and strengthen a greater appreciation of our nation’s history and natural beauty.
Let us work together to harness the full potential of our tourism industry, ensuring it brings prosperity to Port Moresby and all of Papua New Guinea,” said Keimelo.  

The support from TPA and the collaborative effort between the NCDC Governor’s office and Program Progress will make this year’s Remembrance Day Trekking & Celebrations a landmark event, celebrating Papua New Guinea’s rich heritage and natural beauty while strengthening tourism growth. ◼️  

Ncdc Remembrance Day Kokoda Hike 2024

For more information, and to participate in this unique experience, please contact Program Progress on email: Experience22@gmail.com, or call: +675 7233 1339. 

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National Capital District Commission (NCDC), PNG Tourism Promotion Authority (PNGTPA) and The National Gaming Control Board (NGCB) to Embark on China Ready Roadshow 

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea – Friday 14th June, 2024:

 The Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (PNG TPA), National Capital District Commission (NCDC) and the National Gaming Control Board (NGCB) are excited to announce the Papua New Guinea Tourism China Roadshow, scheduled to take place in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, China, from Tuesday 18 to Thursday 20 June, 2024. This initiative aims to enhance Papua New Guinea’s appeal as a premier travel destination for Chinese tourists.

The China Ready Program is an inclusive initiative for PNG’s tourism industry, focusing on the National Capital District (NCD) and interested tourism businesses throughout PNG. It is proudly organized by the NCDC Governor’s Office and the PNG Tourism Promotion Authority (PNG TPA).

Established in 2002, the China Ready Program ensures that target travel destinations and service providers meet Chinese hospitality standards. The program is operated by the CBISN, exclusively issued by the China Outbound Tourism Research Academy (COTA), and endorsed by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

The upcoming roadshow builds on the success of the China Ready Workshop held on April 24, 2024, at the APEC Haus in Port Moresby. This event attracted over 60 tourism service providers, who were trained to accommodate Chinese tourists.

The China Ready Program aims to prepare PNG’s tourism industry to effectively welcome Chinese travellers. With the recent establishment of direct flights from Guangzhou to Port Moresby via China Southern Airlines, a significant increase in tourism is expected in the coming months.

A total of 24 participants from Papua New Guinea will travel across to China for the roadshow, which includes members from NCDC, PNGTPA, and stakeholders of the tourism industry. The itinerary of the roadshow is as follows:

  • June 16: Departure from Port Moresby to Hong Kong, followed by travel to Shenzhen.
  • June 17-18: Venue inspection and B2B events in Shenzhen.
  • June 19: Transfer to Guangzhou and venue setup.
  • June 20: B2B events in Guangzhou.
  • June 21: Product knowledge field trip in Guangzhou.
  • June 22: Tourism sightseeing and cultural exchange.
  • June 23: Return to Port Moresby.

The roadshow offers an excellent platform for PNG tourism operators to establish valuable connections with Chinese wholesalers and explore collaborative opportunities. PNG TPA Chief Executive Officer Mr Eric Mossman Uvovo spoke on the importance of the newly created flight route from China to PNG as a gateway for to boost tourism in Papua New Guinea.

“With the success of the China Ready Workshop and the new direct flights between Port Moresby and Guangzhou, this has opened a new realm of opportunities for tourism in Papua New Guinea as we expect to welcome a boost of tourists to our shores,” said Uvovo.  ◼️

📸 Top Image: PNG tourism industry representatives  involved in the 2024 China Ready PNG Tourism Roadshow taking place in Shenzhen and Guangzhou.  (Front L-R) Maleta Tokwakwasi, Joel Keimelo, Eric Mossman Uvovo (TPA CEO), Kennewton Kennedy and Kim Arut.  (Back L-R)  Emma Nasinom, Elizabeth Pym, Helen Tuakara, Alice Alu, Margaret Tambagle, Lawrence Walep, Huandong Li, Andy Utuwai, Bob Gonapa, Naomi Eringe, Clarissa Moi, Clare Kolma and Natasha Giraure.  

For more information email, info@papuanewguinea.travel 

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The Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) is gearing up to participate in the 13th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture, to be held from June 6-16 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Under the theme, Ho’oulu Lahui, Regenerating Oceania, this year’s festival aims to promote cultural exchange and understanding among participating nations, providing a platform for artists and cultural groups to share stories and to learn the common heritage and importance of preserving and celebrating Pacific Island cultures.

TPA will join a contingent of 115 delegates from Papua New Guinea, comprising representatives from various sectors including the National Cultural Commission (NCC), National Planning, Foreign Affairs, Treasury, the National Museum & Art Gallery, PNG Bilum makers, and the renowned reggae artist Anslom Nakikus and his band. The delegation also includes various cultural performance groups, contemporary dancers, traditional carvers, artists, and fashion designers.

The Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture, known as FestPAC, is significant as it strengthens cultural bonds among Pacific Island communities, promoting a greater understanding to address issues faced in the Pacific.

National Cultural Commission CEO, Mr. Steven Kilanda, expressed his enthusiasm for the delegates travelling to Hawaii. 

“Our delegates embody the rich tapestry of Papua New Guinea’s cultural heritage. Their participation in the 13th Pacific Festival of Arts and Culture is a testament to our vibrant traditions and the strength of our cultural identity.

I urge you all to embrace this opportunity with enthusiasm and an open heart. Let us showcase the best of Papua New Guinea and return with new insights and experiences,” said Kilanda.

US Ambassador to PNG, Her Excellency Ann Marie Yastishock, emphasized that the Pacific Festival of Arts and Culture is a celebration of the rich and diverse traditions of the Pacific.

“Your participation not only showcases the unique heritage of Papua New Guinea but also strengthens cultural ties and strengthens mutual understanding among Pacific nations. Art and culture are powerful tools for empowerment and unity.

As you prepare to represent Papua New Guinea, know that your artistry and cultural expressions will inspire many and highlight the vibrant spirit of our nation. I am immensely proud of the team who will be attending the FestPac, your dedication and passion for your craft are commendable, and we wish you every success as you showcase the best of PNG on this international stage,” said Ambassador Yastishock.

PNGTPA’s CEO, Eric Mossman Uvovo, also shared his gratitude and optimism thanking the National Cultural Commission (NCC) and all other stakeholders for their outstanding coordination of travels and logistics for the PNG delegates.

“Their dedication ensures a successful participation in this significant cultural event. We are grateful for the support from various stakeholders who have contributed to making this journey possible. Their commitment to promoting our culture on an international stage is invaluable,” said Uvovo.

📸 Image: PNG delegates involved in the 2024 FestPAC with NCC’s CEO, Steven Kilanda (seated second from left) and US Ambassador to PNG, Her Excellency Ann Marie Yastishock (seated second from right) before a press conference at the Apec Haus earlier in May this year.


For more information email, info@papuanewguinea.travel 

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Domestic Tourism Data Study Vital for Papua New Guinea's Tourism Sector

The Asian Development Bank’s Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI) has released recommendations for Papua New Guinea on Domestic Tourism Data Collection Methodologies. 

The publication of this study in April this year follows a series of stakeholder engagements from 1st to 2nd June last year, including a workshop conducted in Port Moresby which was facilitated by PSDI with the support of the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA).  

The study responds to TPA’s need to determine baseline understandings of the scope for domestic tourism development. It highlights the promise in PNG’s domestic tourism data before the pandemic and emphasizes the need for reliable data collection methodologies to inform policy-making and measuring performance in the sector.  

TPA’s CEO, Eric Mossman Uvovo, said that the launch of the study signifies a significant step for PNGTPA.   “As we embark on a journey to strengthen our focus on the domestic market, especially encouraging our people to explore their own backyard. Establishing baseline data through one of the recommended approaches suggested in this study offers a start to quantifying the scope and nature of domestic tourism potential.”  

“The publication of this study marks the dawn of a new era for PNG’s tourism industry. It provides us with a clear roadmap to strengthen our vast potential for domestic tourism, laying the foundation for a resilient tourism landscape that benefits both our citizens and our economy,” said Uvovo. 

For insights into the potential and development of domestic tourism in Papua New Guinea, the study on Domestic Tourism Data Collection Methodologies can be downloaded through this link: https://www.pacificpsdi.org/assets/Uploads/PSDI-ST-WP-DDC-PNG.pdf 

For further information, email: info@papuanewguinea.travel 

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Berlin, March 6, 2024 – The Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (PNG TPA) has made a triumphant return to the prestigious ITB Berlin after a five-year absence. Under the theme “Define the World of Travel Together,” PNGTPA reaffirms its commitment to showcasing the unique and diverse offerings of Papua New Guinea to the European market.

Rekindling Connections and Showcasing Unique Offerings

PNG TPA recognizes the significance of ITB Berlin as a vital platform for fostering international understanding, cultural exchange, and peace through travel. With over 5,500 exhibitors from 170 countries, this year’s event promises to be a beacon of hope for the travel industry’s revival.

Industry Partnership and Support

With the invaluable support of industry stalwarts such as Mr. Bob Bates of Trans Niugini Tours and Mr. Wako Napasu from Country Tours, PNGTPA stands ready to reintroduce Papua New Guinea as the destination of a million different journeys. The PNG delegation led by Mr. Eric Mossman Uvovo, Chief Executive Officer and Mr. Joel Keimelo, Executive Manager, Marketing and Promotions Division, along with Ms. Pamela Aupae, Senior Marketing Officer, marks a significant moment for the country’s tourism industry.

Itb Berlin (18)

Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (PNG TPA) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mr Eric Mossman Uvovo, presenting a gift to Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mr Noor Ahmad Hamid.

The European Market: A Tale of Relationships

The European market thrives on relationships, and PNGTPA has diligently nurtured these connections over the years. Despite challenges posed by negative media publicity, the demand to explore Papua New Guinea remains unwavering. The allure of our pristine landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality continues to captivate European travellers.

A Curious Destination

As the Euro performs strongly, Europeans are increasingly curious about Papua New Guinea. Our country offers an authentic and unforgettable experience—one that transcends mere tourism. From vibrant tribal cultures to untouched rainforests, Papua New Guinea beckons those seeking adventure, culture, and natural beauty.

PNGTPA’s Resilience

Mr. Eric Mossman Uvovo, Chief Executive Officer at PNGTPA, expressed his enthusiasm: “We are thrilled to be back at ITB Berlin, reconnecting with old friends and forging new partnerships. Our commitment to promoting Papua New Guinea remains unshaken.”

PNG TPA’s Commitment

Mr. Uvovo, expressed unwavering determination: “Despite the challenges, we are resolute in our mission to showcase Papua New Guinea’s untouched beauty, rich heritage, and warm hospitality. Our commitment to European markets remains unshaken.”

The recently launched PNGTPA website is a valuable resource for travellers seeking information about this captivating destination. Whether you’re an intrepid adventurer, a culture enthusiast, or simply curious about the wonders of Papua New Guinea, the TPA website offers a wealth of insights and practical details.

PNG TPA invites media representatives, partners, and visitors to explore the PNG pavilion at ITB Berlin. Let us embark on a journey of discovery, cultural exchange, and sustainable tourism. Together, we can redefine the narrative and celebrate the resilience of our industry.

For more information, visit the official ITB Berlin website https://www.itb.com/en .


PORT MORESBY, 12th January 2024:  The PNG Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) wishes to encourage tourists and travellers in Papua New Guinea, to reach out to the organisation if they have encountered disruptions and issues relating to the recent civil riots and looting, 10th January 2024, in Port Moresby, and other business centres around the country.

Affiliate members of the tourism industry are also advised to reach out to TPA if their clients have been gravely affected by the recent nationwide civil disturbances.

As of 11th January 2024, the Government of Papua New Guinea declared a 14-day State of Emergency.   Tourists traveling within Papua New Guinea are to use precaution when traveling within major towns and cities, and to seek the advice of their tour operators, guides and hotel accommodation providers.

TPA also wishes to reassure those traveling to Papua New Guinea this year, that in light of the State of Emergency, the nation’s borders remain open, and the nation will continue to warmly welcome visitors into the country.  The safety of PNG’s visitors remains a high priority.  Commercial flights remain operational, particularly Air Niugini and PNG Air.

Tourists visiting Papua New Guinea who have planned trips to PNG are to ensure the following before their visit,

  1. Book with an accredited member of PNG’s tourism industry, i.e., PNG Tourism Industry AssociationPNG Divers AssociationSurfing Association of PNG, and licensed tour operators of the Kokoda Track Authority.
  2. Have all the necessary travel requirements and documentation as per the PNG Immigration and Citizenship Authority website;
  3. Always check respective travel advisories of your respective countries regarding travel to PNG.

The TPA has set-up emergency mobile contacts for tourists and industry members to contact during the State of Emergency period: +675 7354-5757 / 7377-8556 / 7452-4479. 

The PNG Tourism Promotion Authority remains committed towards helping our visitors experience, in the land of a million different journeys, a safe and memorable one.


Approved for immediate release by:  

Eric Mossman Uvovo
Chief Executive Officer   
PNG Tourism Promotion Authority

As a member of the United Nations World Tourism Organization, Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (PNGTPA) joins in the annual celebration of World Tourism Day every 27 September.  The PNGTPA will carry out various awareness activities in major country centres.   

The 2022 theme for World Tourism Day is ‘Tourism and Green Investments‘.  This year we celebrate the progress of tourism after the 2020 global pandemic, especially how Tourism as a sector adapted and flourished with innovative technology and policies. 

Date: 27 September, 2023 

Location: Global observance

Main Venue:  Lae, Morobe Province.   

Website: https://www.unwto.org/world-tourism-day-2023 / https://papuanewguinea.travel/world-tourism-day-2023 

Contact: Mrs Clare Kolma, PNGTPA  acting senior officer product development and provincial coordination:  ppd@papuanewguinea.travel

In 2019 the World Tourism Day theme was: Tourism and Jobs – A Better Future for All.  Here are some awareness videos produced by the PNG Tourism Promotion Authority sharing interviews and stories from our Papua New Guinea tourism industry: 

World Tourism Day 2023: Tourism & Green Investments


World Tourism Day 2023 Minister 0

A Message from our CEO, Mr. Eric Mossman Uvovo: 

Thank you for joining Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority as we celebrate ‘World Tourism Day’ 2023.

As most of you know, every year, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in collaboration with associate member countries decide on a host nation for the WTD celebrations. This year, the official host of the celebrations is Riyadh in beautiful and mysterious Saudi Arabia. 
The theme for this year is ‘Tourism and Green Investments’.
A theme that aims to refocus the efforts of the global tourism community from corporate and industrial activities to activities more centred on people, the planet and collective prosperity. 

As the country’s designated tourism authority, the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (PNGTPA) supports this theme and believes that a move to emphasize our people, our planet and our prosperity is exactly what PNG’s tourism industry needs as the country continues its post-Covid recovery to normalcy. 

Even with the ongoing global crisis that is negatively impacting PNG through inflation, high energy prices, supply chain disruptions increasing debt and the recent bad publicity from increased crime, the country remains an attractive tourism destination. Since 2019, we are pleased to share that PNG has maintained a steady average of over 200,000 visitors seeking adventure, many of whom are return adventurers or niche market tourists.

With the global tourism industry focusing now on people, the planet and prosperity through green investment, PNGTPA will be heightening its efforts in this regard. 
This is nothing new however for PNGTPA. Green investment has always been the foundation of our product development regime. 

Over the past five to ten years, we have increased investments in niche tourism products and services, the promotion of cultural events and festivities and the re-development of marketing strategies to better open up access to PNG’s wealth of destinations. 

Our focus has been and always will be to promote PNG’s people and their rich cultures, protect PNG’s environments through the use of bio-friendly technologies where possible and realise overall prosperity. 

World Tourism Day 2023 Ceo

This year’s theme cements this resolve.
Earlier this year in March, PNGTPA launched its four year Corporate Plan 2023-2026 which sets a clear vision for the Authority and articulates priority investments like ‘Green Investments,’ consistent with the Tourism Promotion Authority Act and the Tourism Sector Development Plan 2022-2026.
The realization of the corporate plan means that PNGTPA is already ahead of the curve in terms of having a plan in place to implement healthy tourism developmental aspirations like green investment.
That said, the Authority is now in the process of expanding its operations through a restructuring and resourcing phase which when completed, will allow it to explore more tourism product development opportunities and utilize more green and blue-inclined regimes.

 While these developments will of course be gradual, we intend to bring about industry-transforming developments for people, the planet and prosperity through:

  • People – Helping to improve the tourism and hospitality skills of service providers through the provision of training and up-skilling workshops.
  • Planet – Exploring old and new bio-friendly technologies like rainwater catchment, grey-water recycling, solar panel use and the use of composting toilets.
  • Prosperity – Supporting more small – medium tourism operators to bring their services up to industry standards and help them package their services and products for domestic and international tourists.

As stated above, there is indeed much to be done. But PNGTPA is determined to ensure PNG continues its upward climb in the eyes of the global community as a nation with a million different journeys and the destination for its next adventure. 

To conclude, PNGTPA thinks the theme ‘tourism and green investments’ is a timely theme that reminds us to stay the course and improve upon currently running green investments for the people, planet and prosperity.

Happy World Tourism Day everybody!


PNGTPA participated in the 14th DWU Liklik Diwai Turism Expo on the 20th of September in Madang in what was a leadup event to WTD. While many other events will be held to observe WTD, the following are the main events PNGTPA will be participating in today:

  • The co-hosting a World Tourism Day Forum and Expo in Lae, Morobe Province 
  •  17th UPNG Tourism Convention 

 We encourage anyone who is available at these respective locations to come and join us as we celebrate WTD.

For further information, email the Provincial Coordination and Product Development Division of the Tourism Promotion Authority, ppd@papuanewguinea.travel  

Pacific Digital Tourism Champions Training Program a Success in Papua New Guinea

The Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) successfully concluded the highly anticipated Pacific Digital Champions training program in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea on Friday 14th July, 2023 . This initiative is part SPTOs Digital Transformation Project (Phase 2), made possible through funding from the New Zealand government.

The Pacific Digital Champions training program aligns with the SPTO Digital Strategy and aims to empower individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the digital landscape successfully. As the first pillar of the Digital Strategy framework, this program emphasizes capacity-building, training, education, and knowledge sharing.

Serving as the groundwork of the Digital Strategy, this program emphasizes capacity-building, training, education, and knowledge sharing. By investing in the long-term capability development of participants, SPTO aims to equip NTOs and workshop participants with the necessary tools to embrace digital technologies and significantly enhance their contributions to the tourism sector.

To facilitate the digital transformation training specifically for Papua New Guinea, digital trainer Russell Easther, an esteemed expert in digital marketing and training, presented  the program to an audience of over two-dozen tourism industry members – joining physically and virtually at the prestigious Lamana Hotel, July 13-14th.

The PNG Tourism Promotion Authority CEO, Mr. Eric Uvovo, extended his appreciation to the SPTO, “I would like to thank the SPTO for initiating the Pacific Digital Champions training program, and assisting the PNG Tourism Promotion Authority facilitate the workshop for members of our Papua New Guinea tourism industry.  Increased digital transformation of the tourism industry through training is a key goal in Papua New Guinea’s Tourism Sector Development Plan (2022-2026).   We are encouraged by the positive feedback from the industry members who attended the two-days digital marketing training, and I am confident this opportunity will help enhance their businesses.”

SPTO CEO Christopher Cocker commends the SPTO member National Tourism Organisations (NTOs) and their respective tourism industry members that recently completed the training in New Caledonia and Timor Leste. We appreciate the NTOs of Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, American Samoa and their tourism industry, who will benefit from skills development and engaging interactions with our specialist trainers. Participants will gain valuable insights into creating compelling content for their websites and social media platforms and establishing keywords for their search engine optimisations.

“SPTO is committed to driving digital excellence in the Pacific tourism industry as part of our efforts to support our members post COVID, and the Pacific Digital Champions training program serves as a crucial step toward realizing this vision. We look forward to witnessing the positive impact of this initiative as we collectively embrace digital transformation and shape a prosperous future for Pacific tourism,” Mr Cocker stated.

About SPTO:

Established in 1983 as the Tourism Council of the South Pacific, the Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) is the mandated organisation representing Tourism in the region. Its 21 Government members are American Samoa, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Nauru, Marshall Islands, New Caledonia, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Rapa Nui, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor Leste, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu Wallis and Futuna, and the People’s Republic of China. In addition to government members, the Pacific Tourism Organisation also enlists a private sector membership base. You can learn more about SPTO here

Queries may be directed to aniumataiwalu@spto.org

Press Statement

Tourism Ambassador Justin Olam Commences Promotional Engagement with PNG Tourism Promotion Authority

On behalf of the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority board, management and staff, I am pleased to officially announce Papua New Guinea’s tourism brand ambassador, Justin Olam. 

Justin recently travelled to PNG and started working with our PNG TPA team on our planned activities and campaigns for this year.

Given the short time with us, he was able to visit some Port Moresby attractions and also travel to Kokopo, East New Britain.

Justin Olam is a remarkable Papua New Guinean athlete who is well-known and respected throughout Papua New Guinea, Australia and the Pacific, as a professional rugby league footballer who currently plays as the Centre for the Melbourne Storm in the Australian National Rugby League.

Tourism in Papua New Guinea has endured a lot of set-backs in recent years – especially with the effects of the COVID-19 global pandemic, climate change, and the rise in social law-and-order issues.   Our international and domestic image as a travel destination has hit an all-time low.

In 2022, our Visitor Arrivals Report recorded 69,376 international visitors. Our highest number of annual arrivals was in 2019, when we had 210,980 visitors.

As the national tourism office representing our tourism sector, we continue to show our resilience and commitment despite the economic and social stumbling blocks we continuously face.

The PNGTPA remains true to its mandated role as a non-revenue earning government body, which is to market, promote and develop tourism in Papua New Guinea.

Guided by our Tourism Sector Development Plan (TSDP 2022 – 2026), we are dedicated to developing sustainable marketing campaigns that enhance the image of our destination, as well as encourage travel and tourism in our great nation.

The PNGTPA’s engagement of Justin Olam as our country’s official tourism brand ambassador is one of many crucial steps my organisation is taking to actively promote and market our unique destination, Papua New Guinea – the land of ‘A Million Different Journeys’.

Justin Olam will be engaged as our tourism brand ambassador for a period of 12-months.  In the coming days and months, we will be developing content for our tourism ambassador campaign across the country.

Our marketing campaign messages involving Justin Olam will take the form of TV and online video and print media.   There are two main objectives to our tourism brand ambassador campaign:

  • Welcome and Destination Brand Messages: targeting both our domestic and international travellers, particularly our Australian market;
  • Social Impact Messages: targeting the general public in Papua New Guinea.

The tourism brand ambassador campaign will be launched next month in August 2023.

We welcome everyone’s support for our tourism brand ambassador Justin Olam, especially our tourism campaign – because we believe that ‘Tourism is Everyone’s Business’. 

Yours in Tourism,
Mr. Eric Mossman Uvovo
Chief Executive Officer
PNG Tourism Promotion Authority

For further information please email acting director marketing, Ms. Alice Kuaningi alice.kuaningi@papuanewguinea.travel | phone: +675 320-0211 

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