National Kenu and Kundu Festival

Papua Region
National Kendu and Kundu Festival Grounds, Alotau town, Milne Bay Province
Contact Info
Milne Bay Tourism Bureau, Mr. Modakula Kunuyobu,

1st to 3rd November, 2024

The Kenu and Kundu Festival returns to Alotau, 1st – 3rd of November, 2024, Milne Bay Province.

Traditional canoes and Kundu drums are significant symbols of communication and trade to the people of Milne Bay.

The Canoe and the Kundu are widely used in traditional ceremonies and rituals.  They are meticulously crafted from special woods under strict customs to derive the best results.

The Kenu and Kundu Festival was first held in Milne Bay in 2003.  The canoes that are used in the festival are crafted in the same way that the canoes were crafted many years ago by the ancestors of the Milne Bay people.

The colours and patterns reflect the tribe and the area the canoe comes from. The canoes and traditional dancing groups come from all over the Milne Bay province, including some parts of the Papuan Region and other areas of the country – creating a rich variety of performances.

Prizes are given to winning groups and the canoes are assembled a day earlier at Wagawaga village, to form a convoy before sailing to Alotau for the official opening ceremony.

Other activities include:

  • Arts and craft displays
  • String band competitions
  • Traditional and contemporary drama performances


For further information, contact the Milne Bay Tourism Bureau, email: 


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