17th to 19th November, 2021
The Karimui Show in Simbu Province celebrates the natural wonders of the Mt Karimui Conservation Area Project.
In its fourth year running, this special festival brings together local communities in the Karimui District in an effort to encourage awareness and appreciation of their natural environment.
Experience the colourful ‘singsings’ (cultural dances) and unique rituals of the Simbu people of Karimui – famous for their cane walkers, unique head-dresses and striking ceremonial face-paints.
The 2021 Karimui Show is a three-day event that will take place November 17-19.
For further information contact the Karimui Show Committee Mr. Ken Mondiai or Mr. Chris Jamie, email: karimuishow@pwmpng.org.pg or phone +675 323-6344