40th Remembrance Day in Port Moresby

Remembrance Day, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

2021 National Remembrance Day in Port Moresby 

Staff of the PNG Tourism Promotion authority joined hundreds of observers at the 40th National Remembrance Day commemorations at the Ela Beach Remembrance Park, Port Moresby – Friday 23rd July 2021.

The Remembrance Day Service paid tribute to our nation’s armed forces, especially those that served in the civil and great wars, as well as peace keeping missions.

War veterans and their families joined the marching parades led by the RPNGC, PNGDF, PNGCS and closely followed by the Scouts and Girl Guides Associations of PNG – a moving show of respect and gratitude to fellow service men and women who had passed on.

Ambassadors, Heads of State, Heads of Government Departments and Agencies, as well as the Public, came to pay their respects – laying wreaths at the memorial.

Papua New Guinea’s armed service history, especially in the World Wars is always remembered with great pride.  From this chaotic and tragic time, Papua New Guinean heroes emerged – members of the Papuan Infantry Battalion and the unforgettable ‘Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels’ who assisted Australian soldiers during the Battle of Kokoda. 

There is an incredible amount of history in Papua New Guinea – a million different stories worth discovering.

2021 Remembrance Day 2

Minister for Tourism Arts and Culture, Hon. Isi Leonard  laying wreaths at the memorial
Image Credit: Liebert Kirakar, PNGTPA

2021 Remembrance Day 1

Parade Marching to the Remembrance Park, Ela Beach, Port Moresby
Image Credit: Liebert Kirakar, PNGTPA

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Oliver Smith


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Oliver Smith


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Oliver Smith


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