If you’re looking for a place near the sea to go off the grid, this is it. The beaches in town are effortlessly superb, and offshore, Narimo Island is a great picnic spot. You can hire a boat for the day from West Deco village near the main wharf. Pack your picnic lunch and plenty water beforehand.
The distinctive artefacts from Sandaun include painted canoes of Sissano Lagoon and large shields from the Telefomin district. The shields have broad zigzag, spiral or V designs that represent their ancestors’ bodies.
Domestic flights arrive from Port Moresby via Wewak. From the airport, your hotel will collect you in a shuttle.
Cross the international border from Irian Jaya on foot then take a PMV into Vanimo. You will need your passport and a visa to process through immigration before you enter Papua New Guinea.