Home / Tourism Promotion Authority
The Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (PNGTPA) is a statutory body wholly funded by the Government of Papua New Guinea and established under the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Act 1993.
The ultimate goal of the PNGTPA is to market and promote Papua New Guinea to the world as a desirable travel destination.
The PNGTPA is a proud member of the United Nations World Tourism Organization, the Pacific Asia Travel Association and the Pacific Tourism Organization.
On behalf of the board, management and staff of the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA), I wish to welcome you to our new website.
When perusing our website, you will find that our tourism goals are not focused on mass-tourism, rather on niche and special interest tourism that nurtures and protects the most endearing and renown qualities about our destination – our rich biodiversity and distinctive culture and heritage.
This is an information portal where you can access the most up-to-date resources, news, reports and statistics about travel and tourism in destination Papua New Guinea, the land of a million different journeys, and a million different opportunities!
Apply for various roles: Marketing Officers, IT, Budget, and more. ⚠️Deadline: 7th Feb 2025. ⚡Apply now! Click above for more!
The Papua New Guinea Tourism Sector Development Plan 2022-2026 (PNG TSDP) is no ordinary document;
it is a significant strategy document providing the framework for developing PNG Tourism. It is framed on the
recognition that Tourism is a key resource in the renewable sector of the economy and that its contribution to
the PNG economy and society needs to be fully tapped based on a strong sector plan.
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