Snorkel Venture

4.6 Paintworks, Bath Road Bristol BS4 3EH United Kingdom

Join us for the ultimate snorkeling adventure. Our small group tours and safaris are designed exclusively for snorkelers, taking you to a collection of the world’s finest snorkeling destinations. Choose from a wide range of experiences including resort and boat based safaris to photography and shallow water freediving workshops – all guide led by a member of the Snorkel Venture team.

Land Based Snorkeling Tours

Our multi-destination safaris allow us to explore a variety of snorkeling sites in one complete tour. We’ll stay in a collection of remote resorts with ease of access to the very best snorkeling on offer.

Live Aboard – Pure Snorkeling Safaris

Stay on board one of our exclusively chartered live aboard yachts (strictly no divers allowed). We’ll safari between remote atolls and islands in search of pristine reefs and big fish.

Resort Based Snorkeling

We’ve carefully selected our favourite resorts to feature in this collection. Expect truly awesome snorkeling and lots of it, plus some of the best house reefs you’ll find from any resort on the planet.

Snorkeling & Overland Touring

Looking to combine your snorkeling with the regions top land tours and overland adventures? These tours feature wildlife like Orangutans and Komodo Dragons, plus rainforest hiking & cultural highlights.

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