Papua New Guinea Tourism Sector Development Plan 2022 - 2026

Wok Bung Wantaim, Kirapim Turisim, Kirapim PNG
PNG Releases Tourism Sector Development Plan

Find out more about the Development of Tourism in PNG in the next Five (5) Years

The Papua New Guinea Tourism Sector Development Plan 2022-2026 (PNG TSDP) is no ordinary document; it is a significant strategy document providing the framework for developing PNG Tourism. It is framed on the recognition that Tourism is a key resource in the renewable sector of the economy and that its contribution to the PNG economy and society needs to be fully tapped based on a strong sector plan.


Covering a five-year time horizon, the framing of the TSDP is home-grown led by the PNGTPA and industry members, and developed from an extensive stakeholder consultation process across the country. The TSDP is therefore a document that is collectively developed and owned by all the stakeholders of the sector. Its success
depends on the inclusive participation of all stakeholders, working and supporting each other to develop the Tourism Sector.

The Plan sets out a clear destination of where the tourism sector anticipates being (or arriving at) in five years’ time (2026) and beyond, the direction or the path the sector will take, and the interventions or strategies the sector intends to undertake in order to reach its goals, and ultimately its planned destination. It is through this Plan that interventions will be developed and mounted and efforts of all stakeholders are coordinated and synergized to create the desired impact on the goals and vision of the sector, and ultimately on the PNG economy and society.


The Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA), through the Policy & Planning Division, is taking lead in the Tourism Sector Development Plan for Papua New Guinea.

For further information, please email

Ms. Ingrid Kuman, Director – Policy & Planning, Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority

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