Select members of PNG’s Tourism Industry were at the Hilton Hotel in Port Moresby, for the China Outbound Tourism Market workshop hosted by the PNG Tourism Promotion Authority on Friday, 25th October 2019.
The one-day workshop had two prominent guest speakers present research data, findings and professional advice on best practices for marketing to Chinese travelers. The guest speakers were Professor Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt – founder and director of the China Outbound Tourism Research Institute; and Mr. Jason Lin – chief of talent for Talent Basket based in Xiamen and San Francisco.
The workshop also provided an opportunity for PNG tourism stakeholders to share their experience, raise their concerns and ask questions about the development of the Chinese market and discuss future strategies and plans. During discussions, many tourism industry members stressed that bridging the Chinese language barrier was an issue – one in which PNGTPA will be looking into.
“Since establishing our PNG Tourism Office in Shanghai nearly five-years ago, we’ve seen a great need to help our PNG Tourism Industry become market-ready to receive a larger number of Chinese travelers. One of the major challenges has been the Visa Issue. The PNG Government through the ICA have now allowed Chinese Tourists to apply for tourist visa online. With the ease of that process, PNG can now expect to develop more Tourism Products and promote these packages to the Chinese travel professionals. Hence, it is important for the Tourism operators to be prepared and be ready to receive Chinese tourists,” said PNGTPA marketing director Ms. Alice Kuaningi.
She further added, “This workshop is one of many initiatives PNGTPA will be rolling out in the coming months to help our industry with marketing their products to the Chinese market. Now is the time to embrace the Chinese travelers, it is critical for Papua New Guinea tourism stakeholders to understand current and future trends, spending patterns, purchasing behaviors, and how to adapt products and services (including their presentation) to attract a bigger and more profitable portion of this market.”
China is the biggest tourism outbound market in the world. With nearly 150 million outbound visits made by Chinese travelers in 2019, up 14.7 percent year on year, according to a report by the China Tourism Authority. The total amount of overseas consumption related to tourism in 2019 was estimated to be around $120 billion, by the Chinese tourist.
With an annual GDP of 13 trillion dollars and over 100 million trips to destinations outside of Mainland China. In addition, Generation Z is moving into adulthood, providing new opportunities for the industry. This generation of travelers are becoming very educated who are influenced by external factors such as increased air connectivity, increased available information, decreased levels of visa formalities, encouraging the Chinese outbound market to provide potential lucrative opportunities for destinations and businesses alike in respective host destinations.
For further information, email our Japan / Asia senior marketing officer Mr. Joel Keimelo: marketing@papuanewguinea.travel
2019 China Outbound Tourism Marketing Workshop participants
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt – founder and director of the China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
Mr. Jason Lin – chief of talent for Talent Basket based in Xiamen and San Francisco.
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