The Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) honoured two exceptional graduates from the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) with the TPA Academic Excellence Award at a ceremony held on Tuesday 2nd July, Port Moresby. 
Harmson Waliya and Rendy Ono, both recipients of the prestigious award, expressed their heartfelt gratitude for TPA’s unwavering support in their careers in tourism.

The event saw attendance from UPNG’s Head of Division Tourism and Hospitality Management, Dr. Joyce Jazmin-Rayel, along with her lecturers from the School of Business & Public Policy, and TPA staff.

Harmson, who graduated in Business Management majoring in Tourism Hospitality Management, highlighted the positive impact of such initiatives on aspiring tourism professionals.  

“Such initiatives motivate us, the students. I also see that the future of this industry is secure when partnerships and collaborations between the industry and institutions occur. As a student, I have noticed that there has been a missing link that needs to be connected. The industry has been functioning on its own, and students have been studying independently. Additionally, some of the things taught in class are different from what is happening in the industry. This initiative of coming together for a shared goal suggests that the industry is sustainable and growing, but it needs more effort,” said Waliya.

Harmson excelled during his studies, achieving top grades in the Tourism and Hospitality Management curriculum. He served as Events Manager for the 16th UPNG Tourism Convention, was a student leader in his church known for his strong moral character, and exhibited exemplary behaviour, setting high standards for classmates. He also completed an industry immersion at TPA, demonstrating his dedication and commitment to his field.

Rendy Ono, Professional Studies & Business Management Tourism & Hospitality (PSTHM) graduate, described the program as a blessing. 

“I come from a teaching background and studied science, but entering tourism was a new experience for me. I struggled at first, but as I progressed, I learned a lot. I thought, if I had taken tourism in my youth, it would have been much better for me. But it’s not too late, and I’m very happy for my second chance,” said Ono.

Rendy consistently topped the PSTHM cohort. Transitioning from a teaching background, he demonstrated strong tourism research skills, organized the 2nd UPNG Tourism Industry Seminar, and volunteered during the PNG Update 2022-2023.
Head of Division Tourism and Hospitality Management at UPNG, Dr. Joyce Jazmin-Rayel, praised the award recipients.
“I’m so glad and proud of both men, because the TPA Academic Excellence Award honors outstanding graduates in tourism and hospitality management from the university. Both men have demonstrated exceptional academic achievements, strong leadership qualities, and exemplary behaviour throughout their studies,” said Dr. Jazmin-Rayel.

TPA’s Executive Manager for Corporate Affairs, Clair Kupo, highlighted the importance of the program and acknowledged the graduates.

“As part of the economic sector, we strive to do our best despite cash flow limitations. We are grateful for the program and our partnership with UPNG, which builds the capacity of tourism operators and those interested in tourism and hospitality management, including our own staff, said Kupo. ◼️

Academic Excellence Award Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority 2
(Left to right) Senior HR Officer, Vapol Pose, Head of Division Tourism and Hospitality Management at UPNG, Dr. Joyce Jazmin-Rayel, Professional Studies & Business Management Tourism & Hospitality (PSTHM) graduate, Rendy Ono, with his award, TPA’s Executive Manager for Corporate Affairs, Claire Kupo and TPA’s HR Officer for Training, Lina Jesse, following the award ceremony at the TPA office.
Academic Excellence Award Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority 3
(Left to right) Senior HR Officer, Vapol Pose, Head of Division Tourism and Hospitality Management at UPNG, Dr. Joyce Jazmin-Rayel, Business Management majoring in Tourism Hospitality Management graduate, Harmson Waliya, with his award, TPA’s Executive Manager for Corporate Affairs, Claire Kupo and TPA’s HR Officer for Training, Lina Jesse, following the award ceremony at the TPA office.

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Left to Right: Department of Agriculture & Livestock Secretary (DAL), Dr Sergi Bang with the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority’s (TPA) CEO, Eric Mossman Uvovo during the signing of the MOU between TPA and DAL in Port Moresby.

The Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) and the Department of Agriculture and Livestock (DAL) have entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to develop agritourism in Papua New Guinea.

The MOU signed on Thursday 27 June in Port Moresby, marks a step towards utilizing the country’s rich agricultural heritage to boost tourism and forge a partnership between two key economic sectors of PNG.

Key objectives of this collaborative effort include the development of a National Agritourism Policy, to guide investment and establishing agritourism pilot projects in the Eastern Highlands, Milne Bay, East New Britain, and Morobe Provinces.

TPA’s CEO, Eric Mossman Uvovo said that Agritourism Steering Committee (ASC) and Agritourism Technical Working Group (ATWG) will be subsequently formed to guide the implementation of the MOU between the two parties. In addition, it is most likely that the committee will expand in the future to make room for relevant stakeholders who are involved in the space such as Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Fresh Produce Development Agency (FPDA), to ensure a sustainable and inclusive agritourism sector is developed.

“Agritourism is an emerging niche tourism product that has great potential; the concept of agritourism provides an opportunity for local farmers such as Honey Bee producers, trout fish farmers or coffee growers, for example, to develop tour itineraries that are centred around their commodity or cash crop. By doing so, it provides local farmers the opportunity to develop a tour package that proudly showcases the farm site, process from raw material to a finished product and allows for branding of local PNG products or local dishes and cuisine.

The MOU partnership with DAL will provide the policy and planning advisory support and co-financing of an integrated work plan, we are setting the foundation for a sustainable agritourism sector. This collaboration will ensure that we harness the full potential of our agricultural and tourism resources to drive community empowerment, economic growth and cultural preservation,” said Uvovo.


Left to Right: Department of Agriculture & Livestock Secretary (DAL), Dr Sergi Bang with the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority’s (TPA) CEO, Eric Mossman Uvovo during the signing of the MOU between TPA and DAL in Port Moresby.

It is anticipated that following the endorsement of the National Agritourism Policy, the parties will work together to facilitate investment in the agritourism sector. This includes the development and marketing of existing agritourism products to create niche markets and attract tourists.

The Secretary for the Department of Agriculture and Livestock, Dr. Sergie Bang, has hailed the recent Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) as a significant milestone for the agriculture sector. He emphasized that the collaboration aligns with the newly launched National Agriculture Sector Plan 2024-2033, which aims to transform subsistence farming into commercial farming and entrepreneurship. 

Dr. Bang noted that agritourism development will play a crucial role in achieving these objectives by providing additional revenue for farm owners and strengthening self-sustaining, resilient communities.

During the event, Dr. Bang highlighted the shared commitment to facilitating regional consultations and comprehensive stakeholder engagement in the policy formulation process. By collaborating with relevant agencies, the partnership aims to efficiently achieve the MOU’s objectives and drive the transformation of the agriculture sector to empower healthy and prosperous agricultural communities.

The MOU is set for an initial period of three years, setting the stage for a path to harness Papua New Guinea’s agricultural potential to boost tourism. Through this partnership, both TPA and DAL are committed to developing a vibrant agritourism sector that will contribute significantly to the country’s economic development.




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The Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) and the National Capital District Commission (NCDC), along with more than 20 PNG participants from the public and the private sector, have concluded a seven-day international China roadshow to promote PNG as a prime tourism destination.

A total of 21 participating organizations, including four government agencies and 17 tourism operators, reported successful engagements and promising leads. The productive interactions throughout the event showed a strong interest for collaboration between PNG and Chinese tourism stakeholders.

Participants included representatives from PNGTPA, the National Capital District Commission (NCDC), the National Gaming Control Board (NGCB)Beijing Kumul ConsularAir Niugini Hong Kong GSA, and various tour operators and accommodation service providers. This diverse group worked together to showcase PNG’s tourism potential and establish strong connections with Chinese agents and wholesalers.

The China Ready Roadshow, held in the cities of Shenzhen and Guangzhou, received overwhelmingly positive feedback from a total of 117 Chinese agents and wholesalers, with 45 visitors in Shenzhen on Tuesday 18th June and 72 in Guangzhou on Thursday 20th June during the B2B exchange events.

The event commenced with a presentation led by TPA’s Executive Manager for Marketing and Promotions, Joel Keimelo and TPA’s Videographer, John Vaii, who highlighted the unique attractions and experiences PNG offers – pertinent to Papua New Guinea’s destination brand – A Million Different Journeys, simultaneously  capturing the attention of the Chinese audience.

Participants on the roadshow also experienced cultural and city tours around Shenzhen and Guangzhou, which strengthened cultural ties and enriched their overall experience. These tours allowed the participants to immerse themselves in the local culture and landscape, enhancing the connection between the two countries.

China Travel Online’s CEO, Dr. Marcus Lee, who is a facilitator of the China Ready program emphasized the invaluable lessons learned during the event.

“The China Ready Roadshow has taught valuable lessons on market entry and positioning. If a destination is China Ready, then they are ready for any market,” said Dr Lee.

Dr. Lee also commended the efforts of TPA and various other organizations who ensured that the event was a success.

“With strategic planning, effective execution, and continuous follow-up, PNG is poised to unlock its tourism potential,” said Dr Lee.

TPA’s Executive Manager for Marketing and Promotions, Joel Keimelo, shared his insights on the event’s impact and future prospects.

“The China Ready Roadshow not only promoted PNG as an attractive tourist destination but also laid the groundwork for future partnerships and growth in the Chinese market. Focus was also given to Port Moresby as the gateway to the country and with direct flights from Guangzhou (with China Southern Airlines) and Hong Kong (with Air Niugini) respectively, we will certainly see Chinese travellers to PNG.

The Chinese market, characterized by a preference for leisure and soft adventure activities, presents vast opportunities for PNG. However, addressing specific needs such as visa requirements, direct flight routes, and cost-effective airfares remains crucial and also ensuring translation services and meeting Chinese tourists’ preferences are vital steps toward a successful market entry,” said Keimelo.

Keimelo further elaborated on the structured approach adopted by PNGTPA.

“The China Ready Program, adopted by the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (PNGTPA), is making significant strides in preparing PNG for an influx of Chinese visitors. The program follows a four-stage process: Destination Audit, Industry Workshop, Accreditation, and Distribution. This structured approach is designed to ensure that PNG becomes visitor-ready not only for the Chinese market but also for other international tourists,” said Keimelo.

Addressing one of the key challenges faced during the roadshow, Keimelo highlighted the team’s efforts to overcome the language barrier.

“One of the key challenges addressed during the roadshow was the language barrier. To overcome this, the team organized translations of brochures and business cards and ensured that translators were available at each table during the B2B sessions. This initiative facilitated clear communication and helped Chinese agents better understand PNG’s tourism offerings,” said Keimelo.

TPA’s CEO, Eric Mossman, highlighted the significant progress and future steps for PNG’s tourism industry.

“Through these strategic efforts, TPA is effectively positioning Papua New Guinea as a prime destination for Chinese tourists, ensuring that the country meets the specific needs and preferences of this growing market,” said Uvovo.

He emphasized the importance of understanding and catering to the unique requirements of Chinese travellers to enhance their experience in PNG. Uvovo also outlined the roadmap for maintaining this momentum.

“Following the successful roadshow, the next steps involve nationwide destination audits, workshops, and accreditation to ensure comprehensive readiness across PNG. Establishing a Destination Marketing  Representative (DMR) office in China is under consideration to maintain connections and support ongoing promotional efforts,” Uvovo explained.

Looking ahead, TPA’s focus will be on several key initiatives. Firstly, the organization is committed to implementing a comprehensive China Digital Marketing Plan to effectively reach and engage Chinese travellers. 

Secondly, exploring the establishment of a dedicated TPA China Office to strengthen PNG’s presence and support in the Chinese market. Additionally, TPA will also be implement a PNG-CHINA Tourism Year 2025, marking the 50th anniversary of Papua New Guinea’s independence. This initiative aims to celebrate PNG’s cultural richness and strengthen bilateral tourism ties between PNG and China. ◼️

📸 Above banner image: Papua New Guinea tourism roadshow participants in Guangzhou, China, June 2024. 

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Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority’s (TPA) CEO, Eric Mossman Uvovo (centre left) and TPA’s Deputy Board Chairman, Mr Andrew Abel (centre right) with members of the Tourism Sector Development Plan Implementation Steering Committee (TSDP-ISC) following their first meeting for this financial year at the APEC Haus late last month.

Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) announces its first successful Tourism Sector Development Plan 2022-2026 Implementation Steering Committee (TSDP-ISC) meeting held on Wednesday 22 May at the APEC Haus, Port Moresby.

The quarterly meeting is crucial to drive the Tourism Sector Development Policy (TSDP), a structured and strategic framework designed to coordinate and facilitate the growth and sustainability of tourism in Papua New Guinea.

This meeting marks the first for this year, facilitated by TPA’s Policy and Strategic Planning Division, chaired by TPA’s CEO, Eric Mossman Uvovo. In attendance were TPA’s divisional Executive Managers, Senior officers, and officers from TPA’s Policy and Strategic Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation teams.

The TSDP-ISC serves as a vital reporting mechanism to track the progress of deliverables outlined in the TSDP 2022-2026. Mr. Uvovo began the meeting by presenting the minutes from the previous session held in 2023, setting a comprehensive agenda for the current meeting. Following this, TPA’s respective Executive Managers provided updates on their achievements, challenges, and plans moving forward for the financial year and the work plans for 2024.

A key highlight of the meeting was the presentation and endorsement of the Terms of Reference for three crucial subcommittees: PNG Cruise Development, Agritourism, and Kokoda Trail Development. These subcommittees are designed to address specific areas within the tourism sector, ensuring focused and effective interventions.
Three specific terms of reference were discussed during the meeting:

  1. Cruise Tourism Development – Reviewing the PNG Cruise Development Strategy.
  2. Agritourism – Conducting a research study to inform the PNG Agritourism Policy.
  3. Kokoda Trail Development – Organizing a Kokoda forum scheduled for July 2024.

The TSDP aims to coordinate and facilitate growth within the tourism sector by establishing subcommittees to guide specific objectives and timelines. These subcommittees are made up of representatives from both public and private sectors, and the Chair is responsible for reporting their outcomes and progress directly to the TSDP-ISC,” said Uvovo.

Although the TSDP 2022-2026 does not specifically mention sustainable outcomes, many identified projects aim for sustainability. The plan provided insights that contributed to the review of the National Tourism Policy, which prioritizes Environmental Sustainability and Cultural Heritage Preservation and Protection.

The TSDP 2022-2026 is aligned with the Medium-Term Development Plan (MTDP) III, ensuring a structured monitoring and evaluation process, this plan is scheduled to undergo a mid-term review to align milestone objectives to the recently launched MTDP IV. The TSDP-ISC meetings provide a platform to identify and address issues impeding the tourism sector, facilitating the achievement of the plan’s deliverables.

TPA’s CEO, Eric Mossman Uvovo emphasized the importance of tourism in Papua New Guinea as a cross-cutting sector that requires a coordinated approach for development and sustainability.

“The TSDP 2022-2026 was crafted using a comprehensive sector-wide approach, emphasizing development through timely interventions in both primary and enabling subsectors. These subsectors encompass the international and domestic tourism sectors, suppliers and providers, product & service, regulations & standards, critical enabling sectors, and leadership and synergy coordination,” said Uvovo.

Uvovo also said that TSDP relies heavily on the support of various stakeholders.

“We face a major hurdle, which is the adequate and timely release of funds for the implementation of the TSDP 2022-2026. The way forward involves working together in partnerships among key stakeholders to achieve mutual sector goals and national strategic plans,” said Uvovo.



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National Capital District Commission (NCDC), PNG Tourism Promotion Authority (PNGTPA) and The National Gaming Control Board (NGCB) to Embark on China Ready Roadshow 

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea – Friday 14th June, 2024:

 The Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (PNG TPA), National Capital District Commission (NCDC) and the National Gaming Control Board (NGCB) are excited to announce the Papua New Guinea Tourism China Roadshow, scheduled to take place in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, China, from Tuesday 18 to Thursday 20 June, 2024. This initiative aims to enhance Papua New Guinea’s appeal as a premier travel destination for Chinese tourists.

The China Ready Program is an inclusive initiative for PNG’s tourism industry, focusing on the National Capital District (NCD) and interested tourism businesses throughout PNG. It is proudly organized by the NCDC Governor’s Office and the PNG Tourism Promotion Authority (PNG TPA).

Established in 2002, the China Ready Program ensures that target travel destinations and service providers meet Chinese hospitality standards. The program is operated by the CBISN, exclusively issued by the China Outbound Tourism Research Academy (COTA), and endorsed by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

The upcoming roadshow builds on the success of the China Ready Workshop held on April 24, 2024, at the APEC Haus in Port Moresby. This event attracted over 60 tourism service providers, who were trained to accommodate Chinese tourists.

The China Ready Program aims to prepare PNG’s tourism industry to effectively welcome Chinese travellers. With the recent establishment of direct flights from Guangzhou to Port Moresby via China Southern Airlines, a significant increase in tourism is expected in the coming months.

A total of 24 participants from Papua New Guinea will travel across to China for the roadshow, which includes members from NCDC, PNGTPA, and stakeholders of the tourism industry. The itinerary of the roadshow is as follows:

  • June 16: Departure from Port Moresby to Hong Kong, followed by travel to Shenzhen.
  • June 17-18: Venue inspection and B2B events in Shenzhen.
  • June 19: Transfer to Guangzhou and venue setup.
  • June 20: B2B events in Guangzhou.
  • June 21: Product knowledge field trip in Guangzhou.
  • June 22: Tourism sightseeing and cultural exchange.
  • June 23: Return to Port Moresby.

The roadshow offers an excellent platform for PNG tourism operators to establish valuable connections with Chinese wholesalers and explore collaborative opportunities. PNG TPA Chief Executive Officer Mr Eric Mossman Uvovo spoke on the importance of the newly created flight route from China to PNG as a gateway for to boost tourism in Papua New Guinea.

“With the success of the China Ready Workshop and the new direct flights between Port Moresby and Guangzhou, this has opened a new realm of opportunities for tourism in Papua New Guinea as we expect to welcome a boost of tourists to our shores,” said Uvovo.  ◼️

📸 Top Image: PNG tourism industry representatives  involved in the 2024 China Ready PNG Tourism Roadshow taking place in Shenzhen and Guangzhou.  (Front L-R) Maleta Tokwakwasi, Joel Keimelo, Eric Mossman Uvovo (TPA CEO), Kennewton Kennedy and Kim Arut.  (Back L-R)  Emma Nasinom, Elizabeth Pym, Helen Tuakara, Alice Alu, Margaret Tambagle, Lawrence Walep, Huandong Li, Andy Utuwai, Bob Gonapa, Naomi Eringe, Clarissa Moi, Clare Kolma and Natasha Giraure.  

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The Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) is gearing up to participate in the 13th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture, to be held from June 6-16 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Under the theme, Ho’oulu Lahui, Regenerating Oceania, this year’s festival aims to promote cultural exchange and understanding among participating nations, providing a platform for artists and cultural groups to share stories and to learn the common heritage and importance of preserving and celebrating Pacific Island cultures.

TPA will join a contingent of 115 delegates from Papua New Guinea, comprising representatives from various sectors including the National Cultural Commission (NCC), National Planning, Foreign Affairs, Treasury, the National Museum & Art Gallery, PNG Bilum makers, and the renowned reggae artist Anslom Nakikus and his band. The delegation also includes various cultural performance groups, contemporary dancers, traditional carvers, artists, and fashion designers.

The Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture, known as FestPAC, is significant as it strengthens cultural bonds among Pacific Island communities, promoting a greater understanding to address issues faced in the Pacific.

National Cultural Commission CEO, Mr. Steven Kilanda, expressed his enthusiasm for the delegates travelling to Hawaii. 

“Our delegates embody the rich tapestry of Papua New Guinea’s cultural heritage. Their participation in the 13th Pacific Festival of Arts and Culture is a testament to our vibrant traditions and the strength of our cultural identity.

I urge you all to embrace this opportunity with enthusiasm and an open heart. Let us showcase the best of Papua New Guinea and return with new insights and experiences,” said Kilanda.

US Ambassador to PNG, Her Excellency Ann Marie Yastishock, emphasized that the Pacific Festival of Arts and Culture is a celebration of the rich and diverse traditions of the Pacific.

“Your participation not only showcases the unique heritage of Papua New Guinea but also strengthens cultural ties and strengthens mutual understanding among Pacific nations. Art and culture are powerful tools for empowerment and unity.

As you prepare to represent Papua New Guinea, know that your artistry and cultural expressions will inspire many and highlight the vibrant spirit of our nation. I am immensely proud of the team who will be attending the FestPac, your dedication and passion for your craft are commendable, and we wish you every success as you showcase the best of PNG on this international stage,” said Ambassador Yastishock.

PNGTPA’s CEO, Eric Mossman Uvovo, also shared his gratitude and optimism thanking the National Cultural Commission (NCC) and all other stakeholders for their outstanding coordination of travels and logistics for the PNG delegates.

“Their dedication ensures a successful participation in this significant cultural event. We are grateful for the support from various stakeholders who have contributed to making this journey possible. Their commitment to promoting our culture on an international stage is invaluable,” said Uvovo.

📸 Image: PNG delegates involved in the 2024 FestPAC with NCC’s CEO, Steven Kilanda (seated second from left) and US Ambassador to PNG, Her Excellency Ann Marie Yastishock (seated second from right) before a press conference at the Apec Haus earlier in May this year.


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Domestic Tourism Data Study Vital for Papua New Guinea's Tourism Sector

The Asian Development Bank’s Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI) has released recommendations for Papua New Guinea on Domestic Tourism Data Collection Methodologies. 

The publication of this study in April this year follows a series of stakeholder engagements from 1st to 2nd June last year, including a workshop conducted in Port Moresby which was facilitated by PSDI with the support of the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA).  

The study responds to TPA’s need to determine baseline understandings of the scope for domestic tourism development. It highlights the promise in PNG’s domestic tourism data before the pandemic and emphasizes the need for reliable data collection methodologies to inform policy-making and measuring performance in the sector.  

TPA’s CEO, Eric Mossman Uvovo, said that the launch of the study signifies a significant step for PNGTPA.   “As we embark on a journey to strengthen our focus on the domestic market, especially encouraging our people to explore their own backyard. Establishing baseline data through one of the recommended approaches suggested in this study offers a start to quantifying the scope and nature of domestic tourism potential.”  

“The publication of this study marks the dawn of a new era for PNG’s tourism industry. It provides us with a clear roadmap to strengthen our vast potential for domestic tourism, laying the foundation for a resilient tourism landscape that benefits both our citizens and our economy,” said Uvovo. 

For insights into the potential and development of domestic tourism in Papua New Guinea, the study on Domestic Tourism Data Collection Methodologies can be downloaded through this link: 

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Balancing work and pursuing academic excellence can be a daunting experience to many, yet Samantha Iyapeng has balanced her role with the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) and has accomplished her academic goals.

Samantha, a 35 year old woman from Galeoale Village in Hoskins, West New Britain Province and a proud graduate from the University of Papua New Guinea’s (UPNG) with a Bachelor of Business & Management Professional Studies in Tourism & Hospitality Management program (BBMPS – THM).

She began her journey with the PNGTPA in 2015 as a receptionist. Armed with a diploma in Information Technology (IT), she embraced the opportunity with dedication, “I really didn’t mind, as long as I had a job, sometimes stepping in to perform simple IT duties,” said Samantha.

In 2021, Samantha was sponsored by PNGTPA to pursue her studies at UPNG. However, her educational pursuits were halted by the passing of her mother. Despite this, Samantha remained focused on her goal.

Samantha Iyapeng

“It was a very difficult time for me, yet I remained committed to my professional development and completed the program,” she affirmed with a smile.

“Balancing my role as a student at UPNG with my responsibilities at PNGTPA presented both challenges and rewards, making it a journey filled with many fond experiences,” Samantha reflects.

Resuming her studies in 2022, Samantha encountered numerous challenges – from balancing work responsibilities at PNGTPA with academic coursework to managing household chores amidst late-night studies. Yet, fuelled by her passion for the tourism industry and a relentless desire to advance her career, Samantha pushed through.

“Effective time management and flexibility were key with the support from friends, colleagues and supervisors who helped me navigate the workload. Obviously, sacrifices were made, but the experience enriched my understanding of the tourism industry and enhanced my skills,” said Samantha.

Her passion for travel and cultural exploration, with a vision for positive change, were the key motivators as she proudly received her bachelor’s degree in the industry which she proudly claims as one of the best.

“As a recent graduate, several aspects of my education are highly applicable to my role at PNGTPA,” Samantha notes.

“From strategic planning to marketing and promotion, Samantha’s academic endeavours aligned with her responsibilities as a Business Development Officer.

Douglas Keari, Executive Manager for Research & Business Development at PNGTPA, speaks highly of Samantha’s dedication and potential.

“Samantha is a keen learner and always willing to take on challenges. Her commitment to professional development is commendable, and I am confident that the degree will enhance her understanding of her role, said Keari.

Samantha’s passion for her job has given her the responsibility to spearhead the “Tourism MSME Training” initiative, a project aimed at developing entrepreneurship and promoting sustainable tourism development across Papua New Guinea. By conducting training sessions in different regions, Samantha ensures broader participation and engagement from local communities, thereby spreading the benefits of tourism more evenly across the country.

“The project demonstrates PNGTPA’s commitment to maximizing the potential of PNG’s tourism sector. It’s an exciting endeavour that has the potential to make a positive and lasting impact on the tourism landscape of the country. This is why I love my job and the industry that I proudly serve,” said Samantha.

Samantha’s vision for her future is clear – to advance into leadership roles, drive innovation, and champion talent development within the organization. Her experience as a sponsored student has given her a deep appreciation for education and professional development, motivating her to support initiatives that empower others within the tourism sector to thrive and succeed.

“To the young graduates aspiring to work in the PNG tourism sector. Find your passion, embrace challenges, make an impact, and believe in yourself. Your passion and determination will carry you far in this dynamic and rewarding industry,” said Samantha with her heartfelt advice.

PNGTPA’s CEO, Eric Mossman Uvovo also commended Samantha and many other employees who have graduated with their Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism Hospitality Management from the University of Papua New Guinea.

“I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of our PNGTPA employees for their outstanding accomplishment in achieving their career development. Their commitment to furthering their education while balancing each of their responsibilities at PNGTPA is truly commendable,” said Uvovo.

PNGTPA staff graduating from UPNG

Left to Right: Joline Kavo, Verolyn Yeme, TPA’s Product Development Officer for Culture, Jessy Pundu, TPA’s Personal Assistant to the CEO, Lynette Buseh, Muriel Gerari, Talianne Oki and TPA’s Senior Policy and Planning Officer, Daphne Galore during their graduation last year at UPNG with their Bachelor’s Degree in BBMPS – THM, under TPA and UPNG’s collabotive program.

“We are proud to have sponsored six TPA employees through this program so far. It is a testament of our commitment to investing in the professional development of our team members and empowering them to reach their full potential.

We believe that investing in our employees’ education not only benefits them individually but also contributes to the overall success and sustainability of our organization,” Uvovo affirms.

The BBM PS – THM is UPNG and PNGTPA’s joint program, which is tailored to meet the needs of working professionals in the tourism sector. It provides a pathway for individuals like Samantha and many other employees, who have extensive experience in the industry but lack formal academic qualifications, to obtain recognized degrees.

The inclusive nature of the program, accommodates individuals with various educational backgrounds and levels of experience, ranging from graduates with secondary school certifications to those with existing diplomas or degrees in relevant fields.




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Standing from left to right: TPA’s Accountant, Emilia Jeffrey, TPA’s Data Entry Officer, Wari Ricky, TPA ’s Senior Marketing Officer, Simon Pih,an officer from the Melanesian Safari Ltd, the General Manager for the Melanesian Safari Ltd, Glynn Iruru Seated left to right: Air Niugini’s Business Development Manager–NWS -AU, Marie Ozaltin and Air Niugini’s Executive Manager for Sales & Distribution, Charlie Wanma, during the SPTE event in Fiji.

The Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) participated in the South Pacific Tourism Exchange (SPTE) to strengthen tourism ties and promote PNG’s attractions to the Pacific Islands and beyond earlier this month in Nadi, Fiji.

The event took place on Saturday 4 to Sunday 5 May with a total of eight TPA staff who attended various programs during the SPTE, reflecting PNG’s commitment as a member of the Pacific Tourism Organisation (PTO) and aligning with tourism-related objectives.

SPTE is organized by the PTO, formerly known as the South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO), is a premier trade event that serves as a platform for Pacific Island partners to showcase their tourism attractions to international buyers from key markets.

With a mandate to market, promote, and develop tourism in the Pacific region, SPTE provides a vital opportunity for PNG’s local tour operators, hoteliers, airlines, and travel logistics providers to engage directly with international buyers, building their networking and conducting business.

TPA’s Chief Executive Officer, Eric Mossman Uvovo, commended members from the PNGTPA who attended the event in Fiji.
“Active participation in the South Pacific Tourism Exchange, organized by PTO, serves as a premier platform to showcase our nation’s tourism attractions to international buyers from key markets.

The face-to-face meetings facilitated at SPTE will allow us to effectively promote PNG as an iconic tourist destination, renowned for our pristine landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and unique experiences. It’s a chance for us to showcase the best of what our country has to offer,” said Uvovo.

Participation in SPTE aligns with TPA’s objective to establish and nurture partnerships within the tourism and hospitality sector. The event serves as a platform for building lasting relationships and exploring opportunities for future collaboration and growth.

Uvovo reiterated the importance of PNG’s participating in global tourism events strengthening PNG’s brand as a premier tourism destination.

“Our presence at SPTE reaffirms our dedication to showcasing PNG’s tourism potential and forging international cooperation in advancing our country’s tourism industry. Through initiatives like SPTE, we continue to position ourselves as a leading destination for travellers seeking authentic experiences in the South Pacific,” said Uvovo.


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The Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) in collaboration with the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (PNGTPA) conducted a week-long in-country workshop (May 13-17) focused on data initiatives and the Digital Measurement and Benchmarking Dashboard under the Pacific Digital Transformation project.  A crucial project focused on collecting and analysing tourism data to make informed decisions for sustainable tourism development.

The PTDI project supports evidence-based planning and decision-making. Its components include the creation of a bi-annual International Visitor Survey (IVS), an annual Business Confidence Index (BCI), and an annual Community Attitude Survey (CAS) report. These reports offer crucial insights into community awareness and attitudes toward tourism.

Papua New Guinea is among the ten countries (including Niue, Cook Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Tonga, Kiribati, Timor Leste, and FSM-Yap) under the PTDI project aimed at collecting and analysing tourism data, funded by the New Zealand Government. The Digital Measurement and Benchmarking Dashboard Programme plays a vital role in SPTO’s monitoring and evaluation function, which is carried out in three components and sets standards for marketing and sustainable tourism indicators in the Pacific region.

Hosted at the Citi Boutique Hotel, Port Moresby, the workshop drew the participation of fifteen individuals who will be armed with the necessary tools to drive insightful research outcomes within PNG’s tourism sector.

In opening the workshop, PNGTPA’s Executive Manager for the Corporate Affairs Division, Claire Kupo, emphasised the importance of data and research in making informed decisions and developing public policies that contribute to sustainable tourism development in the region.

PNGTPA’s CEO, Eric Mossman Uvovo reiterated the significance of the collaboration with the Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) on initiatives like the Pacific Tourism Data Initiative (PTDI) project.

“The recent week-long in-country workshop focused on data initiatives and the Digital Measurement and Benchmarking Dashboard shows the importance of collecting and analyzing tourism data for informed decision-making.

By working together with SPTO and other stakeholders, we are committed to using data-driven insights to drive sustainable tourism development in Papua New Guinea and across the Pacific region. Through initiatives like the PTDI project, we aim to enhance our understanding of visitor behavior, preferences, and trends, ultimately shaping a vibrant future for tourism in our country and the region,” said Uvovo.

Echoing similar sentiments SPTO Chief Executive Officer, Christopher Cocker also stressed the importance of weaving together the power of data to contribute to informed decision-making and shape a sustainable and vibrant future for tourism in the Pacific.

“SPTO has been very fortunate to conduct an in-country visit to PNG to enhance the proficiency of research officers in utilising statistical analysis software (Survey Monkey, SPSS & NVIVO) through funding from the New Zealand government,” Mr. Cocker said.

“The workshop is pivotal for driving insightful research outcomes within the PNG tourism sector and data collaboration is key within the Tourism Industry Stakeholders in the implementation of the Digital Measurement and Benchmarking Dashboard.”

Workshop participant PNGTPA Research & Statistics Officer Abigail Pangwinyen mentioned that the four-day workshop has greatly enhanced her skills in data analysis in the travel and tourism industry which has enabled her to understand customer behavior, preferences, and trends using the statistical analysis software.

Through conducting workshops and fostering collaborations with local partners, SPTO reaffirms its dedication to advancing sustainable tourism development in both PNG and the broader Pacific region.

Image: Standing from left to right: PTO’s Research & Statistics Manager, Prashil Parkas, TPA’s Research Officer for Domestic, Abigail Pangwinyen, PNG Air’s Marketing & Media Coordinator, Dalai Thomas, TPA’s Senior Partnerships & Industry Liaison Officer, Clare Atava, TPA’s Planning & Project Officer, Murray Variambu, Leo Ameua from the Central Provincial Office, TPA’s Data Analyst, Jephet Keako, PTO’s Senior Research Officer, Rovarovaivalu Vesikula,TPA’s Policy Analyst, Faith Kaupa and Air Niugini’s Executive Manager for Sales and Distribution, Floyd Smith.
Seated from left to right: Executive Manager for PNGTIA, Joybertina Piasinu, Lucy Miro from Kokoda Track Authority, Lavinia Fine Naivalurua from SPTO, Henna Esela from POM Business College, Imelda Atu from UPNG and Monalisa Kamuri from POM Business College during the conclusion of the workshop in Port Moresby.

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