(675) 320 0211 extension 260
(675) 72671179 / 75443421
PO BOX 2800
East New Britain
Papua New Guinea
P. O. Box 1790
National Capital District
Papua New Guinea
(675) 327 6100
IPA Port Moresby, Level 1, IPA Haus, Munidubu Street, (Cnr of Lawes Rd & Champio Parade)
Konedobu, Port Moresby
P.O. Box 5053, BOROKO, National Capital District, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
(675) 321 3900
(675) 321 7311
(675) 320 2237
National Capital District Commission
NCDC – PO Box 7270, Boroko, NCD
Postcode: 111 – Papua New Guinea
+675 3240700
+675 3251166
+675 3251230
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